Dear IGF Community Members,
We are asking for your input to help shape the IGF discussions in a meaningful way. You may recall that the Working Group on Improvements to the IGF in its report identified the development of tangible outcomes as a way for the IGF to continue to perform successfully its intended role of addressing issues related to public policy in a bottom-up, multistakeholder fashion. The Working Group stated that "to focus discussions, the preparation process of each IGF should formulate a set of policy questions to be considered at the IGF, as part of the overall discussion. The results of the debates on these questions, with special focus on public policy perspectives and aimed at capacity-building, should be stated in the outcome documentation".
This recommendation provides an excellent opportunity for the IGF community to engage in the process of shaping and formulating the questions that will guide the discussions during the various main and focus sessions. Reflecting on the IGF's mandate for inclusion and transparency, the IGF Secretariat is soliciting the community's views on the type of public policy questions that should be addressed and discussed at this year's IGF main/focus sessions.
Each stakeholder -- individual or organisation -- is asked to submit no more than three (3) questions for each (or one) of the following sessions:
- Building Bridges: The role of governments in multistakeholder cooperation;
- Internet Governance principles;
- Principles of multistakeholder cooperation;
- Legal and other frameworks: spam, hacking and cybercrime;
- Internet as an engine for growth and sustainable development;
- Human rights, freedom of expression, free flow of information on the Internet;
- Taking stock/Emerging Issues.
Please note that the deadline for submitting your questions is 9 October 2013. Questions should be sent to [email protected].