This page shows the links used to connect remotely to the IGF2015 Sessions, as well as the access points to webcast & live captioning.
For Remote Participation, access to the wished Workshop Room below, was done according to the schedule. After registration for the session ongoingm an email with a direct access for the remote connection was received. Some sessions were closed, with no remote participation available.
The Remote Participation platform is quite intuitive. If needed, a manual is available. Remote Participants should prepare for their participation, in much the same way that Onsite Participants do. Onsite Participants prepare for journeys, Remote Participants learn platforms, and prepare recordings and technology to assist them.
Interventions should be requested/notified to the session Organizer / Moderator, to be included when interventions are opened to the floor. Interventions should be communicated in advance when possible. Interventions should be a maximum of 3 minutes, unless previously agreed.
For Remote Presenters, any slides to accompany the presentation (if used) must be sent ahead of time to the Session Organizer.
Webcasts are also available at
{tab Main Meeting Hall}
Webcast and Live Transcription: AR, EN, ES, FR, PT, RU, ZH
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 1}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 2}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 3}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 4}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 5}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 6}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 7}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 8}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 9}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation:
{tab Workshop Room 10}
Webcast and Live Transcription
Remote Participation: