This year, all workshop sessions must include a Rapporteur. The purpose of the Rapporteur is to observe the session and to synthesize the discussion into a standard report format, which is outlined below. The report must be submitted to the IGF Secretariat no later than 2 weeks following the IGF event (27 November 2015). If a report is not filed within 2 weeks, then the workshop proponents will not be allowed to submit a proposal for the IGF 2016.
The online form to submit workshop reports and to update descriptions is available here. Kindly note this page corresponds to the original workshop proposal form, in which a workshop organizer's user name and password are still valid, and includes the below reporting template.
Reporting Template for IGF Workshop Sessions
Session title: |
Date: |
Time: Workshop Organiser: |
Chairperson/Moderator: |
Rapporteur/Note Taker: |
List of Speakers and their institutional affiliations: |
Key Issues raised: (1 sentence per issue)
If there are Presentations during the workshop session, please provide a 1-paragraph summary for each Presentation:
Please describe the Discussions that took place during the workshop session: (3 paragraphs)
Please describe any Participant suggestions regarding the way forward/ potential next steps /key takeaways: (3 paragraphs)
For questions regarding this process, please contact Eleonora Mazzucchi at emazzucchi [at] unog [dot] ch or +41(0)229171653.