Taking Stock Main Session

[Link to Schedule]          [Link to Session Transcript]          [Link to Session Video]


Day 4 (5 September), Maim Meeting Hall


The Taking Stock Main Session intends to reflect on the main outputs of the IGF Main Sessions:

·       Policies enabling access, growth and development on the Internet

·       Towards a common understanding of Network Neutrality

·       Evolution of Internet governance Ecosystem/ Role of the IGF, Netmundial, CSTD and UNGA, WSIS review, ITU, other fora and initiatives

·       Best Practices wrap-up

·       IANA functions: NTIA’s stewardship Transition and ICANN’s accountability process

The goal of the discussion is also to identify issues that lend themselves to ongoing inter-sessional work and to discuss ways to pursue the work:

·         Conclusions from the main discussions

·         Measuring how issues have advanced with concrete progress

·         Possible steps towards inter-sessional IGF work: soliciting input from amongst the national and regional IGFs as well as other Internet governance entities, launching new Best Practices tracks/Forums led by volunteers from all stakeholder groups, looking into the role of Dynamic Coalitions, etc.

·         Overall conclusions on the role of the IGF in the evolving Internet governance ecosystem.

Policy questions:

1.              Which issues from all identified would require immediate and full attention of policy makers and other stakeholders?

2.              What policy measures and private sector initiatives need to be taken in order to address

3.              Identified challenges and impediments

4.              Role of the IGF, including national and regional IGFs, in advancing these issues

5.              What issues from all identified need further inter-sessional work and who could be Lead Experts in coordinating the inter-sessional efforts


Prof. Osman Nuri Uçan, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey


Janis Karklins, Chair of the IGF MAG and Open Consultations


                Angelic Castilho (Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Suriname) and Richard Allan (Vice President, Public Policy, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Facebook): Main Session - Policies enabling access, growth and development on the Internet 

                Markus Kummer (Senior Vice-President, ISOC): Main Session - Network Neutrality: Towards a Common Understanding of a Complex Issue

                Marylin Cade (CEO, mCADE) and Subi Chaturvedi (Asstt Prof. Journalism & Comm, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi Univ): Main Session - Evolution of Internet Governance Ecosystem and the Role of the IGF

                Bill Graham (Senior Fellow, CIGI): Main Session - Best Practices Wrap Up Main Session 

                Carolina Aguerre (General Manager, LACTLD): Main Session - IANA functions: NTIA’s stewardship Transition and ICANN’s Accountability Process


                The Chair (Turkey) opens the session (5 min)

                Janis Karklins introduces the session (5 min)

                Panelists report on the Main Sessions listed above in 5-7 min/session (30 min in total)

                Janis Karklins presents his takeaways from the IGF (15-20 min)

                Q&A, interaction with the audience (25 min)

                The Chair (Turkey) closes the session (5 min)

Remote moderator

Constance Bommelaer (Senior Director, Public Policy Partnerships, ISOC)

Feeder sessions

                Main Sessions listed above.