Technology Education Institute
January 20, 2014
IGF Growth Agenda:
Having been a participant in the IGF forums both internationally and domestically (IGF USA) since 2007(Rio) I would like to present some observations and some suggestions for consideration.
- The IGF needs to grow. We seem to attract the same core group of stakeholders. The IGF should look for ways to institutionalize a process that ensures a constant flow of new stakeholder participants. One suggestion I have put forward over the years is to make it a requirement for the privilege of hosting a workshop that NGOs, Companies, Universities etc. looking to host a workshop must recruit a new stakeholder participant to the IGF as the Co-Workshop Host. This requirement would be in addition to the diversity requirements etc. that have been established.
- The IGF needs to consider hiring a full time fundraiser to ensure there is sufficient funding both for the annual IGF conference, but in addition, to raise funds for scholarships to support NGOs and small business operators (example …cyber café owners) in developing countries to attend.