- 1,- Please select the workshop you are evaluating
- 2.- Did the workshop organisers clearly explain the objectives of the workshop?
- 3.- Did the workshop follow the principle of balanced geographic representation among panellists?
- 4.- Did the workshop follow the principle of gender balance among panellists?
- 5.- Were the panellists adequately prepared?
- 6.- Level of interactive discussions between panellists and participants.
- 7.- Relevance of the workshop to Internet governance issues, in particular to the main theme and subthemes of the 2014 meeting.
- 8.- Inclusion of remote participants into the discussions.
- 9.- Did the workshop contribute to enhancing your understanding of the topic under discussion, and the different stakeholder perspectives on it:
To some extent
- 10.- Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of this workshop?
- 11.- Please provide your comments regarding the content and format of the workshop (e.g. what was the most valuable aspect of the workshop? What could have been done to improve the workshop?)
I would hope that moderators can try to prevent discussions from being dominated by US audience members and that the representatives of similar telecom firms would not be often given the floor. They were far too involved.
- 12.- Please select your stakeholder group
Civil Society
- 13.- Please select your gender
- 14.- Please select your region