Zachariah, Desiree

Ms. Zachariah's career in information communication technologies began in 1987.  Starting 1992, she assisted UNCTAD staff in implementing version 2 of the Customs information system, ASYCUDA, in seven of the nine OECS states.  In 2004, she implemented ASYCUDA version 2.7 in Antigua and Barbuda.  During that same time, she also assisted departments of statistics in implementing the EUROTRACE trade system, using the trade data generated by ASYCUDA.  These statistics were used for decision making, in identifying trader eligibility during VAT implementation, and for negotiations by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Regional Negotiating Machinery (RNM).  

Between 2008 and 2012, she worked as the IT Manager of Antigua and Barbuda’s public hospital, the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre.  Her responsibilities included setting up, managing, maintaining and supporting several ICT systems.  These included the hospital intranet, the hospital information system (HIS), time and attendance, online radiology and VoIP telephone systems.

Ms. Zachariah currently works with the OECS Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP) which is charged with establishing the framework for electronic Government in the OECS. She has over twenty years of experience in ICT in government, and has worked at the implementation, management and policy levels.