IGF 2018 Second Open Consultations and MAG Meeting


The venue for the meeting will be Room XI, Building A, at the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG), Switzerland: 

8–14 avenue de la Paix CH–1211 Geneva 10 [Map]

Access to the venue: Use the Pregny Gate entrance (Avenue de la Paix, 14), where you will pick up your badge, and proceed to Building A. [Map of UNOG]



Line 15 - Stop at Place des Nations


Lines 5 (Airport), 8, 11, 22, 28 (Airport) V, F, Z - Stop at Place des Nations

Lines 1, 11, 28 (Airport) - Stop at Rigot

Lines 8, 28 (Airport) V, Z, F - Stop at Appia


+41 (0) 22 33 141 33


All attending stakeholders must register online.

Online Participants also need to register as an online participant beforehand, to be able to request the floor.

Once you have received your UN registration confirmation (in the form of a QR code), please print this or have it ready on your smartphone and take it with you to the Pregny Gate entrance at UNOG. Please also remember to have with you a copy of your passport/national ID. The confirmation and ID will be necessary for badging purposes.

*More logistical information available in the "Practical Guide to UNOG"


You are free to request the floor when opened for interventions by using the electronic queue system

Draft Agenda - 2nd IGF Open Consultations and MAG Meeting

11-13 July 2018

UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) – Room XI

The purpose of the second round of IGF open consultations and MAG meeting is to advance preparations for the IGF 2018 annual meeting and to take stock of the ongoing IGF community intersessional activities and other relevant Internet Governance related fora.


Day 1: 11 July 2018 - Open Consultations


1. Welcome from MAG Chair

2. Adoption of the Agenda

3. Welcome from UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)

4. Welcome from Honorary Host Country Chair and Briefing on State of Preparations for Annual Meeting


5. Briefing on State of Preparations from IGF Secretariat

          a) Workshop proposals and other sessions

          b) Main/Thematic Sessions

          c) IGF Village booths

          d) Update on other organizational logistics (visa support, registrations, badges, etc.)


6. Updates from IGF Intersessional Activities

          a) IGF Best Practice Forums (BPFs) - Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT); Cybersecurity; Gender & Access; Local Content *5 mins each

          b) IGF Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) – Phase IV *5 mins

           c) Updates from IGF Dynamic Coalitions (DCs) *20 mins

           c) Community engagement/comment time *20 mins


7. Updates from National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRIs)




Informal meeting between the NRIs and the MAG


9. Updates from MAG Working Groups

          a) Working Groups on IGF Improvements (WG-IMP); Multi-year Strategic Work Programme (WG-MWP); Outreach and Engagement (WG-OE); Workshop Review and Evaluation Process (WG-WREP); Fundraising (WG-FUN) *5 mins each

          b) Community engagement/comment time *20 mins


IGF Project Document/IGF Trust Fund Review


10. Briefings from Other Related/Relevant Initiatives or Organizations


11. Open Discussion with Community


Day 2: 12 July 2018 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)


1. Opening Statements – MAG Chair and Honorary Host Country Chair

          a) Introduction from the Chair and adoption of the agenda

          b) Introduction from Host Country Chair


2. Briefing on State of Preparations for Annual Meeting by Host Country, including plans for:

          a) High Level roundtable

          b) Opening Ceremony


3. Overview of Workshop Proposal Evaluations & Preliminary Thematic Track Formation

          a) Review thematic tracks for appropriate balance across entire programme to cover all stakeholder, global and regional interests

          b) Workshops reviewed by theme in break-out groups; possible mergers considered




4. Continue Workshop Review & Thematic Track Formation


Day 3: 12 July 2018 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)

Briefing by Ambassador Amandeep Singh Gill


5. Finalize Workshop Track Formation and Overall Theme for IGF 2018


6. Discussion on Thematic (Main)/Community Sessions

          a) Thematic (Main) sessions: Content, including desired theme, format, length, etc.

          b) Thematic (Main) sessions: Desired outcomes/outputs in relation to meeting themes

          c) Community sessions

          d) Selection and scheduling of Thematic & Community sessions

          e) Next steps in planning; appointment of MAG lead facilitators for Thematic sessions




7. Follow-up as Needed Based on Status Updates from Open Consultations

          a) BPFs

          b) CENB Phase IV

          c) NRIs

          d) DCs

          e) MAG Working Groups


8. Next Steps in Annual Meeting Programming; Thematic (Main) Session Planning, etc.


Any Other Business

IGF 2018 Second Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Attendees Government
Stakeholder Group Government
Title Given Name Family Name Delegation Organisation Represented
Mr. Nebojsa Regoje Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mr. Rodrigo Fonseca Brazil Brazil
Mr. Samuel Ndicho Bambo Cameroon Cameroon
Ms. Glavor Nataša Croatia CARNet
Ms. Christine Arida Egypt Egypt
Mr. David Martinon France French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Frédéric Paruta France France
Mr. Rudolf Gridl Germany Germany
Mr. Wisdom Donkor Ghana Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation
Mr. Donny Utoyo Indonesia Indonesia
Ms. Concettina Cassa Cassa Italy Italy
Ms. Bou Harb Zeina Lebanon Lebanon
Mr. Juan Carlos Hernández Wocker Mexico Mexico
Mr. Miguel Candia Ibarra Paraguay Paraguay
Mr. Muataz Mohammed Sudan Sudan
Ms. Livia Walpen Switzerland Switzerland
Mr. Mark Carvell United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ms. Susan Chalmers United States United States
Ms. Liesyl Irene Franz United States United States
Mr. Joseph Gattuso United States United States
Ms. Alejandra Erramuspe Uruguay Uruguay
Mr. Michael Ilishebo Zambia Zambia
IGF 2018 Second Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Attendees
Stakeholder Group Civil Society
Title Given Name Family Name Organization
Mr. Xiaofeng Tao Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Mr. Julián Casasbuenas G. Colnodo
Ms. Renata Aquino Ribeiro IK4T
Mr. Nigel Hickson Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Ms. Lianna Galstyan Internet Society NGO
Ms. Helani Galpaya LIRNEasia
Mr. Antoine Vergne Missions Publiques
Ms. Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro Pasifika Nexus
Ms. Jutta Croll Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Ms. Rasha Abdulla The American University in Cairo
Stakeholder Group Government
Title Given Name Family Name Organization
Mr. Wisdom Donkor Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation
Mr. Nebojsa Regoje Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mr. Rodrigo Fonseca Brazil
Mr. Samuel Ndicho Bambo Cameroon
Ms. Glavor Nataša CARNet
Ms. Christine Arida Egypt
Mr. Frédéric Paruta France
Mr. David Martinon French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Rudolf Gridl Germany
Mr. Donny Utoyo Indonesia
Ms. Concettina Cassa Cassa Italy
Ms. Bou Harb Zeina Lebanon
Mr. Juan Carlos Hernández Wocker Mexico
Mr. Miguel Candia Ibarra Paraguay
Mr. Muataz Mohammed Sudan
Ms. Livia Walpen Switzerland
Mr. Mark Carvell United Kingdom
Ms. Susan Chalmers United States
Ms. Liesyl Irene Franz United States
Mr. Joseph Gattuso United States
Ms. Alejandra Erramuspe Uruguay
Mr. Michael Ilishebo Zambia
Stakeholder Group Intergovernmental Organization
Title Given Name Family Name Organization
Mr. Wim Degezelle Consultant IGF Secretariat
Ms. Valentina Scialpi European Commission
Stakeholder Group Private Sector
Title Given Name Family Name Organization
Mr. Paul Rowney AfICTA
Mr. Mamadou Lo Credit Agricole Bank Senegal
Ms. Jennifer Chung DotAsia Organisation
Ms. June Parris Halaqah Media
Ms. Timea Suto International Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Benjamin Wallis Microsoft
Mr. James Prendergast The Galway Strategy Group
Mr. Kenta Mochizuki Yahoo Japan Corporation
Stakeholder Group Technical Community
Title Given Name Family Name Organization
Ms. Silvia Cadena APNIC Foundation
Mr. Yu Chen Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Mr. Heiki Sibul Estonian Internet Foundation
Mr. Sumon Ahmed Sabir Fiber@Home Limited
Mr. Veni Markovski ICANN
Ms. Karen Mccabe IEEE
Ms. Raquel Gatto Internet Society
Mr. Danko Jevtovic Jugodata
Mr. Miguel Ignacio Estrada LACTLD
Ms. Mary Uduma Nigeria Internet Governace Forum