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IGF 2022 Open Forum #68 Our Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age

    Wednesday, 30th November, 2022 (12:00 UTC) - Wednesday, 30th November, 2022 (13:00 UTC)
    Press Briefing Room

    Panel - Auditorium - 60 Min


    Digital technologies are driving massive economic, social and environmental change and can either be used to exacerbate social and environmental degradation - or they can help build a healthy, green and more equitable future. The transformational capabilities of digitalization can be a crucial tool to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to address the triple planetary crisis by 2030.

    The Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES), is an international multi-stakeholder alliance created in March 2021 in response to the UN Secretary General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. In this regard it also aligns with the efforts of the IGF 2021 Policy Network on Environment. CODES aims to steer the use of digital technologies toward accelerating environmentally and socially sustainable development. Over the last year, CODES has grown into a community of over a 1000 individuals and organizations that have worked to co-create an “Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age”. The CODES Action Plan offers a clear vision on #DigitalSustainability and a set of nine catalytic Impact Initiatives that will spark systems-level transformational change to integrate environmental sustainability as a key value and outcome of the digital revolution.

    Linking digital transformation with sustainability transformation through the CODES initiative is also an important topic for the agenda of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, who coordinates the implementation of the Secretary-General’s Roadmap on Digital Cooperation. This IGF event will sustain momentum for this shared goal with the Envoy towards the Global Digital Compact in 2023 and the implementation of the CODES Impact Initiatives. Our goal at IGF 2022 is to showcase the progress of implementing the initiatives collaboratively, expand global stakeholder engagement and operationalize action for #DigitalSustainability on the ground within a whole-of-society approach.

    For more information regarding CODES see:


    1) How will you facilitate interaction between onsite and online speakers and attendees?

    We are experienced in connecting audiences in different hybrid settings and the use of different applications such as WebEx, Zoom and YouTube live, and interactive platforms including Mentimeter or Slido. Our online and onsite moderators will work together to keep both audiences engaged. 

    2) How will you design the session to ensure the best possible experience for online and onsite participants?

    We plan to organize our event in an interactive manner. Starting with a 2 minute video introduction of CODES we aim for a brief presentation of the CODES Action Plan and impact initiatives. The majority of the session is used to showcase and commonly discuss the implementation of concrete action. Mentimeter is used to interact with our attendees online as well as on site, to ask them questions and interact with their feedback.


    3) Please note any complementary online tools/platforms you plan to use to increase participation and interaction during the session.

    We are a large global community with strong organizational backup via the 7 co-champions, so we can spread the event information on multiple channels to different audiences. We will promote the event via our organizational channels and social media accounts. For the event we plan to use Zoom Webinar, YouTube live and Mentimeter.






    • CODES (Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability):
    • Future Earth
    • German Environment Agency (UBA)* - Western European and Others Group
    • International Science Council (ISC)
    • Kenya Ministry of Environmental and Forestry - African Group
    • Sustainability in the Digital Age (SDA)
    • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

    *UBA serves as a focal point for this application.

    • Amandeep Gill, Under-Secretary-General and UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology
    • Dirk Messner (President of the German Environment Agency)
    • Reina Otsuka (Lead Digital Innovation Nature, Climate and Energy, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support at the United Nations Development Programme)
    • Speakers from the Initiatives
    Onsite Moderator

    Shivam Kishore (Senior Advisor Digital Transformation Programme at the UN Environment Programme)

    Online Moderator

    Marcel Dorsch, Dirk Osiek & Christian Schmitt


    Megha Sud (Science Officer at the International Science Council)


    4. Quality Education
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    12. Responsible Production and Consumption
    13. Climate Action
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: Aligning the digital transformation with the sustainability transformation is a task of utmost importance. Both transformations are key drivers of global change, both will tremendously shape the 21st Century. While digital change in its disruptive power was not sufficiently reflected in the 2030 Agenda, it has significant impact for all SDGs - with both negative implications and positive potential. The CODES Action Plan suggests priority areas for (1) aligning both transformations systemically, (2) mitigating negative impacts of digitalization and (3) accelerating digital innovations that support SDG implementation globally. So while digitalization is cross-cutting, some issue areas are particularly important also for specific SDGs, e.g. realizing smart decarbonization (SDGs 7, 13), implementing a digitally driven circular economy (SDGs 8,9), minimizing material impact from resource extraction to e-waste (SDG 12), monitoring ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots (SDGs 14,15), closing the digital divide (SDGs 1, 5,10), develop digital literacy and education for digital sustainability (SDG 4), and allowing for smart sustainable livelihoods across the globe (SDGs 2,3,6,11). Enhancing our societies and governments cooperative capacity to implement this agenda for a sustainable planet in the digital age is our overarching ambition that well reflects SDGs 16 and 17. As we are planning to focus the discussions in Addis around initiatives on education, the empowerment of marginalized communities and climate protection we only chose SDGs 4, 10, 12, 13 and 17 from the list above.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)

    CODES is going forward with its nine Impact Initiatives and presented its current status on Impact Initiatives 5, 7 & 8.

    Looking forward to the Global Digital Compact CODES is eager to set the topic of digital and environmental sustainability on the GDC`s Agenda

    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)

    Please feel free to join and connect with other CODES members via our Sparkblue page: