Ireland IGF

The national IGF of Ireland, established in 2024, serves as an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss key Internet governance issues.



Saudi Arabia IGF

The national IGF of Saudi Arabia was established in 2024. It serves as a platform for the multistakeholder collaboration and dialogue on Internet governance matters.

Saudi Arabia IGF

The national IGF of Saudi Arabia was established in 2024. It serves as a platform a multistakeholder collaboration and dialogue on Internet governance matters.

The Chamber of Deputies of Chile, the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile and the Parliamentary Track of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) are co-organizing the Parliamentary Summit: Artificial Intelligence Agenda from the Southern Cone, to be held in Santiago de Chile, Chile, 6 November 2024, alongside the 17th edition of the Latin America and the Caribbean IGF

PNMA MWG Meeting V

The fifth meeting of the Policy Network on Meaningful Access will be hosted online on 31 October at 12:00 Universal Time UTC.

This call is open to anyone interested to join as an observer.

Preliminary Agenda (subject to changes):

- Discussion of best practices related to PNMA's focus areas
- Follow up on referrals and on the operational setup of the Plenary Session in Riyadh
- Discussion on the first draft of the PNMA Output Report (due 05 November)
- AoB


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