The second meeting of the Policy Network on Meaningful Access/MWG will be hosted online on 26 July 2023 at 16:00 UTC.
The call is open to anyone interested to join as an observer.
Preliminary agenda (subject to changes):
- Introduction of new/returning MWG members;
- Outcomes MAG Meeting;
- Priority Survey: results and reviews to the 2023 work plan;
- Presentation/final approval 2023 Process and timeline;
- Defining works of working and collaboration from July until October.
We intentionally choose varied times for the calls to facilitate the participation of colleagues in other regions. This meeting was scheduled considering time zones for the Americas. Next time zone rotations will work for Asia and Africa.
PNMA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PNMA MWG Call II
Join Zoom Meeting:
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The Lusophone IGF will host its first annual meeting ina hybrid format on 18-19 September 2023 at São Paulo, Brazil. For more information, please visit
Lusophone IGF
The Lusophone is a sub-regional IGF recognized in 2023. It creates an open, inclusive and bottom-up platform for all stakeholders from the Portuguese-speaking countries to cooperate on matters related to Internet governance.
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