China IGF

The national IGF of China will host its 2022 annual meeting on 29 December 2022 in Beijing and online. The main theme of the meeting is ''Enhancing digital cooperation and co-building digital civilization towards a shared digital future''. 


The 18th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum will be hosted by the Government of Japan in Kyoto from 8 to 12 October 2023. The Forum's overarching theme is: The Internet We Want - Empowering All People.


IGF 2022 Stocktaking Inputs Received by Email: 


India IGF


The second edition of the India IGF will be held 9-11 December 2022. The opening and concluding ceremonies will be onsite, while the rest of the sessions will be held online.

The overall theme for IIGF2022 is India Internet Governance Forum: Leveraging Techade for Empowering Bharat.

The workshop and discussions are based on the following five sub themes:

  1. Fostering Digital Innovation towards economic progress
  2. Public Digital Platforms
  3. Reaching the unreached
  4. Building Trust, Resilience, Safety & Security
  5. Internet Regulation

Besides the opening and closing sessions, there will be 2 high level panels, 2 main sessions, 3 fireside chats, 17 workshops and 3 flash talks. There will be two panels discussing issues related to South Asia.

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