Below are the workshops in the final IGF 2022 programme, selected by the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) at its Second Open Consultations and Meeting on 6-8 July 2022.

BPF Gender Call III

The third planning and deliberation call of the Best Practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights will be hosted on 25 July 2022 at 15:00 UTC

BPF webpage:…

Call details:

Best Practice Forums is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: BPF Gender Call III

Time: Jul 25, 2022 03:00 PM Universal Time UTC

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The first ever Youth IGF-USA meeting will be held virtually on 20 July 2022, preceding the IGF-USA main meeting on 21 July 2022. The event aims to give its young participants an overview of Internet Governance and its current challenges, as well as a networking opportunity with other young professions.


For more information and updates please see: Youth IGF-USA 2022 | IGF-USA (


Small Island Developing States IGF


The inaugural meeting of the Small Island Developing States IGF (25-26 August 2022) will be held jointly with this year's virtual Caribbean IGF meeting (24-26 August 2022). The idea for a SIDS IGF was forwarded by the Caribbean Telecommunications Union in 2021 and gained much support given that SIDS worldwide share similar development challenges related to Internet governance. 


For more information and updates please see: 18th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum and Caribbean Youth IGF Workshop in collaboration with Small Island Developing States (SIDS) IGF – Caribbean Telecommunications Union (