Event Calendar
Event Calendar
 Lebanon IGF will be held on 8-9 November, 2023 Main sessions: 1- Future of the Internet in Lebanon 2- Securing our Future: The Impact of Cybersecurity on Society and Strategic Sectors 3- Internet of Behaviors (IoB):…
Event Calendar
IGF 2023 Youth Track Workshop II Hosted at Youth LACIGF in Cartagena, Colombia 28 August 2023 at 14:15 UTC CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT IN CYBERSECURITY: EMPOWERING YOUTH FOR THE FUTURE OF INTERNET GOVERNANCE   The advancement of technology…
Event Calendar
IGF 2023 Youth Track Workshop III Hosted at Youth APrIGF in Brisbane, Australia  30th August 2023 at 09:00 local time Brisbane (23:00 UTC) Empowering Young People in navigating privacy, security and freedom in the digital universe…
Event Calendar
Event Calendar
PNMA MWG Call IV The fourth meeting of the Multistakeholder Working Group of the Policy Network on Meaningful Access (MWG-PNMA) will be hosted online on 24 August 2023 from 15:00 - 16:00 UTC.  The call is open to anyone interested to join…
Event Calendar
PNMA MWG Call III The third meeting of the Multistakeholder Working Group of the Policy Network on Meaningful Access (MWG-PNMA) will be hosted online on 10 August 2023 from 12:00 - 13:00 UTC.  The call is open to anyone interested to…
Event Calendar
The seventh PNAI meeting will take place on 26.9.2023. Please register to attend the online meeting through the PNAI website.  
Event Calendar
The fifth PNAI meeting will take place on 6.9.2023. Please register to attend the online meeting through the PNAI website.  
Event Calendar
The fifth PNAI meeting will take place on 15.8.2023. Please register to attend the online meeting through the PNAI website.
Event Calendar
Event Calendar