The coronavirus pandemic has made clearer than ever the pertinence of the digital divide, exposing a wide gap between those who have access to broadband internet and those who do not. This issue does not only exist between high- and low-income…
NRI collaborative session
NRI Session
The concept of ‘digital sovereignty’ has become more prevalent over the last few years, although its meaning remains diffuse. Between Chinese techno-authoritarianism and the U.S. model of surveillance capitalism, Europe is heading towards a third…
NRI collaborative session
NRI Session
Open Forum / Town Hall
Open Forum / Town Hall
Art at IGF 2021
Onsite in Katowice, many art pieces are exhibited visually speaking about the role of the Internet, came from youth from around the world. Also, IGF 2021 includes a digital exhibition that explores the future of the Internet…
Specific Session