IGF 2022 PN Meaningful Access: From Policy to Implementation: Lessons and Good Practices to Advance Meaningful Access

The concept of meaningful access has emerged in response to the growing body of evidence that even when people have connectivity, they might not have been fully benefiting from the Internet. How one gets connected to the Internet is an equally important challenge to the experience that person will have once they are online.

IGF 2022 BPF Gender & Digital Rights: Regulatory Practices - A Friend or Foe to Gender and Digital Rights?

Human rights must be observed in all aspects of one’s life – personal and professional, online and offline. On the Internet, both female and LGBTQIA+ communities have found safe spaces to freely express themselves. Similarly, journalists and human rights activists were able to exercise their right to freedom of expression without being targeted as if they were using traditional media. Notwithstanding, censorship based on sex and gender still happen, persecution of dissident voices, likewise.

Portugal IGF

The 9th edition of the Portugal IGF will take place on 3 November 2022 at the PT headquarters in the Barra Barra building in Lisbon. This year's overarching theme is, 'All connected. A secure, resilient and sustainable internet’. The programme will focus on connectivity and the protection of human rights; on trust, security and sustainability; in emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and in the future that is expected for the Portuguese language in the digital age. The event is organized by PT, ANACOM, the National Cybersecurity Center, DECO, the Foundation for Science and Technology, and the Internet Management Committee in Brazil, with the objective of analysing and sharing the different ideas about how the internet should be managed and used.

The event is free, but subject to prior registration, which can be done here.

For more information and updates please visit: www.governacaointernet.pt.

Australia IGF

This year's Australia IGF will be held fully online on 27 and 28 October 2022. The meeting's title is 'More Resilient Together' and discussions will revolve around the following four topics:  

  • Trust and security
  • Internet for a resilient world
  • Inclusion and accessibility
  • Economic growth and development 

For more information and updates please visit: Internet Governance Forum - NetThing

BPF Gender Call IX

The BPF Gender and Digital Rights invites all interested parties to its 9th Public Call happening on Monday 31th October 2022 at 15:00 UTC. 

In 2022, the Best Practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights will look into the impact of regulations from a gender justice perspective and generate conversations with people who are affected by these regulatory practices, under three areas:

Theme 1: Privacy and Surveillance / Reproductive Privacy
Theme 2: Freedom of Expression / Gendered Disinformation
Theme 3: Targeting of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists

a. Main Session preparation 
b. Discussion and updates on the draft report (tbc)

Previous call materials are available here
Best Practice Forums is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Meeting ID: 933 1564 8314
Find your local number: https://intgovforum.zoom.us/u/abu4bXpYpI

Colombia IGF

Del 2 al 3 de noviembre de 2022 la Mesa Colombiana de Gobernanza de Internet realizará el 9º Foro Colombiano de Gobernanza de Internet. El primer día se realizarán talleres sobre Gobernanza de Internet, dirigido especialmente para los que asisten por primera vez. El segundo día, en el marco del foro se abordarán temas como:

  • Entorno habilitador para el acceso
  • Modelo de múltiples partes interesadas y gobernanza digital
  • Tecnologías digitales emergentes
  • Derechos digitales.

El primer día, 2 de Noviembre se ofrecerán los talleres de:

  • Modelo de Múltiples partes interesadas
  • Seguridad Digital
  • Tratamiento de datos e inteligencia artificial
  • Identidad digital

El Foro será híbrido y tendrá lugar en el Teatro Ripio ubicado en la Calle 34 # 13-28 en la ciudad de Bogotá y a través de la Plataforma Zoom y YouTube.
El evento contará con transmisión en vivo desde el sitio del evento en
Foro de Gobernanza (gobernanzadeinternet.co).
El evento contará con interpretación con lenguaje de señas.


The 9th meeting of the Colombia Internet Governance Forum will be held in hybrid form 2-3 November 2022. On the first day there will be workshops on Internet governance, especially for those attending for the first time. On the second day, the forum will address topics such as:

  • Enabling environment for access 
  • Multistakeholder model and digital governance 
  • Emerging digital technologies
  • Digital Rights

On the first day, 2 November, workshops will be offered on:

  • The multistakeholder model
  • Digital security
  • Data processing and artificial intelligence 
  • Digital identity 

The event will place at the Ripio Theatre at Calle 34 # 13-28 in Bogota. It will be streamed live from the event site at: Foro de Gobernanza (gobernanzadeinternet.co)

The event will have sign language interpretation.