The sixth meeting of the Policy Network on Meaningful Access will be hosted online on 17 October 2022 at 12:00 UTC. The main objective is to discuss the writing process of the draft output report and the PNMA session at the Annual Meeting.

The call is open to anyone interested to join as an observer.

Preliminary Agenda (subject to changes):

  1.     Updates on the draft report / discussion of each volunteer group on their challenges and suggestions
  2.     PNMA session at the annual meeting: logistics, content, which MWG members will be on-site


Best Practice Forums is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PNMA MWG Meeting VI
Time: Oct 17, 2022 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 949 3475 0916
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+13017158592,,94934750916# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,94934750916# US (Chicago)

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BPF Gender Call VIII

The BPF Gender and Digital Rights invites all interested parties to its 8th Public Call happening on Monday 17th October 2022 at 15:00 UTC. 

In 2022, the Best Practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights will look into the impact of regulations from a gender justice perspective and generate conversations with people who are affected by these regulatory practices.  

An agenda will be shared ahead of the meeting.


Best Practice Forums is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: BPF Gender Call VIII
Time: Oct 17, 2022 03:00 PM Universal Time UTC 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 914 4039 8214
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,91440398214# US (Houston)
+14702509358,,91440398214# US (Atlanta)

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Below are all sessions included in the final programme for IGF 2022, taking place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 28 November to 2 December 2022.

Below are the Dynamic Coalition (DC) sessions included in the final IGF 2022 programme
Please see here for a list of all DC session proposals received. 


Below are the Day 0 events included in the final IGF 2022 programme
Please see here for a list of all Day 0 event proposals received. 


Below are the launches and awards sessions included in the final IGF 2022 programme
Please see here for a list of all launch and award proposals received. 


Below are the lightning talk sessions included in the final IGF 2022 programme
Please see here for a list of all lightning talk proposals received. 


Below are the networking sessions included in the final IGF 2022 programme
Please see here for a list of all networking session proposals received. 


Below are the town hall sessions included in the final IGF 2022 programme
Please see here for a list of all town hall proposals received. 


Below are the open forum sessions included in the final IGF 2022 programme
Please see here for a list of all open forum proposals received.