Organizations interested in arranging Pre-events or 'Day 0' Events are invited to submit requests for a session slot through the application e-form.  

All recognized DCs are invited to submit requests for a session slot through the application e-form.  

Networking sessions are interactive gatherings of stakeholders interested in the same or a similar issue on Internet ‎governance. Their open (in the case of face-to-face events - open-seating) formats are spontaneous ‎and can serve as icebreakers, prompting quicker ways for people to get to know each other. ‎Networking sessions are also a suitable session type for social gatherings, or for gatherings of people ‎and organizations from a particular region, stakeholder group, or area of activity.‎

Lightning talks are brief, to-the-point, prepared presentation on a specific Internet governance issue.

Stakeholders with demonstrated interest in Internet governance and who can clearly outline the Internet governance-related objective to be achieved through this session, are invited to submit requests for session slot through the application e-form.