These types of sessions serve to present and discuss Internet governance academic and/or research initiatives or ‎outputs such as research or think tank work, to launch Internet governance-related books and similar. Proposals should clearly ‎state the relevance to Internet governance and IGF themes. Session content must adhere to ‎the UN Code of Conduct. This sessions type can also be suitable for award ceremonies. 

Town Halls are interactive sessions organized by entities dealing with Internet governance-related issues of international scope. Through town hall sessions, stakeholders exchange views on topical and even controversial Internet governance issues. This session type is particularly suitable for current and emerging issues.

Open Forums are interactive sessions organized by government, treaty-based international organizations, and global organization with international scope and presence, with operations across regions, dealing with Internet governance issues. Open Forums should focus on a government or organization's Internet governance-pertinent activities and allow sufficient time for questions and discussions. 

Stakeholders are invited to apply to organize different types of sessions at IGF

All stakeholders are invited to submit proposals for workshops at th

NRIs Meeting V

The fifth planning meeting of collective work of national, sub-regional, regional and youth IGFs (NRIs) will take place online on 25 April 2022 at 13:00 UTC. 

1.    Welcome and introductions – 2 min
2.    Debrief from EGM – 10 min
3.    NRIs Collaborative Sessions: finalizing five topics and planning the next steps – 30 min
4.    NRIs main session: update – 5 min
5.    Other updates from IGF Secretariat and NRIs – 10 min
6.    AoB

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